To my childhood crush, on his birthday

And just like the song in a seashell, you’ll be stuck in my mind bouncing around in my head
-Brad Paisley, Beat This Summer


To my favorite stub collector,

I’m glad that our 10+ years of acquaintanceship eventually developed into a friendship. Getting to know you over the last few years has been an experience. Or, more correctly,  a series of enjoyable experiences. I remember you before you gained your grown-man face (and hairline), and you are so different from when we first met. One, you are older. Much older. Like, really, really old. You’re so old now. Like the kind of old that wants to go to bed at 10 pm instead of going out. Like THAT kind of old. But, like a well made sauvignon blanc, your character has improved with age. You’re (mostly) confident and sure of yourself now. Except when you tell jokes and you should be wary, you aren’t very good at that (bless your heart). The last couple of years have shown how fucking different you are from the boy I knew in middle school and the man-child I met up with again in 2009. Don’t get me wrong, I loved 2009 you, too. He was something else. Hyped up, a little wild, but it’s nice to know legit grown-up you, too. All of the versions of your trillness are appreciated.

I like that our trips have become not just endless drunk fests (though we are still capable of that… obviously), but have become events and adventures. Moments of concentrated awesomeness. I feel like I always learn something new with you, be it about myself or something unexpected about the world or life in general. It’s always a good time. I don’t know if you do it intentionally, but you force me to be honest with myself. You make me explain my beliefs and evaluate what I say and how I feel. I don’t have to do that often, and I’m glad you provide that. I like your honesty. I like that I can ask you anything and get genuine feedback. I value that most about our friendship. Also, I just like hearing you talk. Your accent is probably one of the reasons why I stick around.

If I never say it out loud, know that I enjoy our friendship. It has given me a lot of unforgettable memories. Know that this isn’t the crush talking, but, I love you and all the moments you’ve brought into my life. You are fun to be around, an amazing planner, a great conversationalist, enviably extroverted, fairly helpful and plenty of other positive adjectives and adjectival phrases.  Happy birthday, buddy.



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