I will

One day, when you ask how I can be so cold, because you will ask, I will remind you that I told you long ago, over email, or text, or maybe when we’d had a bit too much to drink that this is how I am. Who I am.

But you didn’t believe me. Didn’t think me capable of walking away. Of leaving. Or maybe you knew I could leave…. You saw me leave so many others. You just never thought I could walk away from you… leave you… But I told you. You knew. I told you.

I did.

I told you my terms and conditions. What I expected. What I needed. What would happen if I didn’t get it. How I would react to being slighted, ignored, taken for granted.

I laid out my truth in front of you and you chose to smile past my honesty. You chose to listen to what your heart told you. You believed your assumptions about me and ignored every word I said. Every reminder I gave.

I told you.

I’m not the staying kind.

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